Heather 8th May 2021

Another big day without you actually by my side but I take great comfort in the fact that I can feel you with me, guiding me. Sometimes I question what I am doing and then I find a way through and I find comfort in feeling that I am being helped along the way. Quite often, when it's a big decision - and there's been a few of those! - I will look outside whilst asking you if my decision is right, then a Robin appears, and I then feel that it's all ok because you have given me a sign.... I can see you smiling, with that special twinkle at this, but it helps me. It's a bit like this page. It gives me comfort (mostly!😆) but you would not be bothered either way by it and yet, you were a man of amazing words. Words left for those that really mattered in your life, your loved ones. Placed where I would discover them for our boys, and for me, to treasure for eternity. A selfless act, just typical of the gentle, thoughtful, loving man you are..... Forever yours, your devoted wife xxx...